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Poor posture and quick bursts of activity can also result in upper back discomfort. A few more causes of upper back discomfort include:
flexibly using new muscle groups
stretching before exercise
inactivity when seated in the same posture
The condition may worsen when standing, sitting, bending, or walking, depending on its cause.
Poor posture is the primary cause of neck and shoulder pain as well as another frequent cause of upper back discomfort.
Due to its role in supporting weight and being involved in movement, twisting, and bending, the lumbar and cervical spine are particularly vulnerable to strain. When muscle fibers are inappropriately stretched or torn, lumbar muscular strain results. Ligaments, the strong bands of tissue that keep bones together, become abnormally stretched, which results in lumbar sprain. Both of these can be caused by an acute injury or by prolonged usage.